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Brandy & Monica are homegirls;

    Brandy and Monica recently talked about squashing their "beef" and working on new material together. Sounds exciting; peep the video below.

"The whole week of Monica’s release, I’ve been so supportive. That’s my girl. She’s been holding it down not only for me but for everyone else that’s true to R&B and I’m just proud of her. Monica is the possibility that you can come back with the right music. The right look so she is the ideal right now for me." -Brandy
"I think it’s even more special coming from Bran like that because we started at a time where there weren’t a lot of us and of course they made us not like each other. And we were young enough to not understand that it was just for media sensationalism altogether. We didn’t get it and now as adults with us being friends and both being mothers it means a lot to know that she’s always in my corner instead of feeling like she’s my rival because it’s strength in numbers. And I think if more people understood that we could do more. It just means a lot to me for her to just always stay behind me like that and always uplift me because I would do the same thing when it’s her time..And her time is coming. I’ve heard some of her stuff." -Monica
    Monica goes on to reveal that its likely that she and Brandy will soon be working on a song together, possibly produced by Polow Da Don. I think its a good look, the music industry needs a little more unity. And besides, both Brandy and Monica scored the biggest hit of both their careers by working together. Who knows, maybe they can top that.


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